Custom solutions for every noise issue

    Total solution from design to assembly

    High-quality expertise in noise control

    dB Noise Control

    Noise barrier for Water and Energy Company Bonaire

    On behalf of the Water and Energy Company Bonaire (WEB), we installed a sound barrier around the water plant in 2024. At this location, drinking water is produced from seawater, a process that involves a high noise level. This caused nuisance for the local residents and called for an effective solution.

    What have we done?

    Our experts have thoroughly analysed the noise issue and designed a custom sound barrier specifically tailored to the conditions and noise sources of the water plant. The barrier is made from high-quality, durable materials that can withstand the weather conditions in Bonaire. After installation, the noise level has been significantly reduced, well below the permitted values, allowing local residents to enjoy a more peaceful living environment.

    The project was carried out in close collaboration with WEB, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations. Thanks to our expertise and efficient approach, we have contributed to a sustainable and low-noise solution for the island.

    Are you curious about what dB Noise Control can do for your project? Feel free to contact us!

    Bonaire geluidsscherm